
Customize your iPhone lock screen with cute emoji and STAY focused! – HT Tech

iPhone news

You can add a little cute emoji to your iPhone’s lock screen while shutting out all the annoying notifications. Know this iPhone trick here.

Are you using an iPhone? Then you must be aware that it is loaded with exciting features that can make your daily tasks easier. Well, there are so many features that often stay hidden inside the settings of your iPhone and there is a high chance that you are not aware of them. These iPhone tricks can be unveiled only via manipulating minor details of your iPhone Settings. One of these tricks is to customize your iPhone’s lock screen with your favourite emoji. Yes, you can add an emoji on the lock screen!

The trick can be found in the Settings of your iPhone. In case you ever used the iPhone Focus Mode on iOS 15, know that you will need the same feature to customize your iPhone lock screen. The focus mode helps you shut out all the distractions caused by constant stream of notifications on the phone. Here, find out how to use the iPhone lock screen and add a cute little emoji.

How to customise your lock screen of iPhone running on iOS 15

Step 1:

Open the settings on the iPhone to change the options under Focus mode. Note that this will temporarily silence notifications. However, you will be able to create your own custom Focus modes. 

Step 2:

Go to your iPhone’s Settings app and click on Focus. Then tap on the + icon in the top right corner and then click on Custom option.

Step 3:

You can name your new Focus mode anything according to you. Here, pick an emoji along with the name. This is the same emoji that will appear on your lock and home screens on the top bar, where the battery icon stays. 

Step 4:

You can choose a colour and then tap next. You will also need to select which people and apps you want to allow notifications, remember you in Focus mode! So whenever you will keep the Focus Mode on, this selected emoji will appear on your lock screen. 

Step 5:

Though, you should note that, in the Focus Mode, you will only receive the notifications and calls from select people. So, there is a chance you may miss calls or messages from an unselected or new number. However, it’s a simple trick to add a personalized feature to your iPhone whenever you want to shut all the distracting iPhone notifications. 
